Self-learning is a mandatory function that enables the card to calculate the correct travel of your gate.
In particular, it enables the card to identify the position of the end-of-travel stops, so as to know whether, in the event of motor overload, this is an obstacle or a normal end-of-travel arrival.
A self-learning procedure is mandatory the first time the drive is switched on.
A new one may also be required in the event of a factory reset of the card, or if special settings are changed (force, 1-leaf mode, mispositioning leaf, etc.).
Phase 0: repositioning to center stop
Leaf M2 closes on its own to the center stop.
Leaf M1 closes on its own to the center stop.
Phase 1: detection of side stops
Leaf M1 opens on its own up to the side stop.
Leaf M2 opens on its own up to the side stop.
Phase 2: stroke detection
Door leaf M2 closes on its own until it reaches the center stop
Door leaf M1 closes on its own until it reaches the center stop.
Phase 3: learning to open and close
– Leaf M1 begins to open, accelerating progressively
– Leaf M2 begins to open, accelerating progressively
2.5 seconds after M1.
– The leaves reach their opening stops.
Leaf M2 begins to close, accelerating gradually.
– Leaf M1 begins to close, accelerating
– Leaf reaches center stop (with amispositioning of 2.5 seconds or more depending on setting,
see MENU 3).
At the end of self-learning, both leaves must be closed.
If you notice that one or both leaves end up open, the polarity of the connection motors on the board is reversed. To correct this connection, see Manual Control Tutorial.
If you find that the actuator is pushing too hard against the stop, you can reduce the operating force.
If you find that the leaves overlap when closed, you can adjust their mispositioning leaves.
If, for any reason, an error occurs during teach-in, the board will first stop it completely.
Next, it will display one or more red lights, fixed or flashing, each with its own meaning, which you can find at instructions and in the table opposite.
Please note that there are error codes during self-learning and during an operating cycle. Do not confuse tables and meanings.
Correct the error if possible, then restart a teach-in from Phase 0.